I have always believed that in-person conversations are better. All this technology is causing our children to have social and communication issues. My college aged daughter would rather go without heat in her apartment than actually call and speak live to a person at the Gas Company to schedule a repair visit. I will admit, good or bad, I raised her one text at a time.
As a Business Affairs person I can say without a doubt I’ve prevented quite a few “advertising emergencies” over the years by merely eavesdropping on conversations at the desk next to me. “You’re doing what?!?!” That said, I've recently changed my thoughts on the subject of remote work.

As many of you know I left 72andSunny in LA, moved to Raleigh, North Carolina and started Hailstorm, a modern (remote) BA consultancy. I have also been incredibly fortunate. Hailstorm is doing well enough that I’ve been able to hire people who also work remotely. I’m often asked, “How does it work and how do you know they’re actually working?” They say, “We really need someone here in the office Monday through Friday”. Quite simply, I trust the people I hire to be their badass-top-notch-selves regardless of whether they’re working 10 feet from me or in their living room. I think the biggest misconception companies and managers have is that ‘real’ work can only be done in an office at a desk from 9-5. Successful remote work is about technology, communication, work ethic and responsibility.
Remote work is the future. It’s good for companies for all kinds of reasons. It lowers overhead costs; broadens the talent pool since you can hire outside of commuting distance; there are far fewer distractions, and employees are much more productive. For employees, it allows for flexibility to fit in the ‘life’ part of ‘work-life balance’; it cuts down on commuting costs and the stress of traffic or the subway. Not to mention, per numerous studies, remote employees are healthier and more productive if they are in charge of their day, be it to pick up a kid from school or go to yoga in the afternoon and then get back online later. Remote work is also good for the environment; responsible for significant reductions in carbon emissions, office waste, and even traffic accidents.
All reasons that I for one will never again be tethered to an office desk. I’m building Hailstorm to offer it’s people the flexibility to have awesome careers from wherever they are; an opportunity to balance hard work with all of those ‘life’ things that make us happy. #modernBA #hailstormio